
Sunday, December 17, 2017

UPDATED Proof Election Fraud Rigged Alabama Senate Race

God is in control this may be His way of exposing the rampant voter fraud that has plagued our country for far too long and must be stopped before our 2018 elections. As long as the crooks in Congress know their re-elections are secure they will continue to violate the trust of their voters, by standing in the way of our President Donald Trump's efforts to Make America Great Again. 

The web posting that I read in the following video appears not to be true from MSM sources. On the contrary if the Birmingham Patch is to be believed the Alabama SOS, John Merrill has chosen to wait until the last possible legal moment to finally count the provisional ballots which also just happens to be the 1st day he is legally able to certify the race for Jones and coincidentally the day after Christmas, when few people will be paying any Moore attention to this crookedly run election. 

I am afraid the fraudsters are right now messing with the election machines to revote the images if that is possible. Roy Moore should immediately post a survey of voters who voted for him, since it is public record who voted, his voters need only attest to the fact that they voted for him with their initials, last name and zip code. Then when a precinct's totals do not match up you simply have the Moore voters swear to their vote. 

Votes for Judge Roy Moore in the December 12, 2017 Election
If you would be willing to attest to the fact that you did indeed vote for Roy Moore
in the December 12th Special Election for U.S. Senate please list your initials last name and zip code below:
 First Initial   Middle Initial     Last Name Zip Code

Above is a picture of the vote total Jones is up by just 4,781votes at 9:09PM from the Alabama Secretary of States unofficial results tally as of the moment Fox News called the Alabama Senate race for Judge Roy Moore's opponent Doug Jones

Just about 6 minutes later Jones is up by ONLY 608 votes as all the news stations were calling Doug Jones the winner.

Then a big reversal of fortunes 41 minutes later after Doug Jones has completed his acceptance speech we see that Judge Roy Moore is now back on top by 6,152 votes! This is after the news media has declared unanimously that Doug Jones won! Outrageous!

Next we see that the Alabama Secretary of State took a full half hour to get Jones back on top by  12,410 (.99% difference) votes but it then took the Alabama SOS just 15 more minutes to settle on the current Jones margin of victory of 20,715 votes, which as of the writing of this blog on Sunday 12/17/17 4:45 is still the total.

Yet there are these stories floating around stating that truth may have triumphed over fraud and there remains the hope that the Democrat and Republican anti-Christian anti-Judge Roy Moore factions may be exposed through a recount arising from the added military and provisional ballot count which apparently has Judge Moore up by a few hundred votes. 

The following links appear to be false, if someone found any truth to them please comment below.


Please donate & support my efforts to expose the fraud. Because Google has been censoring my videos for 10 years I have taken down all advertising to prevent their advertisers from profiting from my content without remitting accurate compensation for my work. 
May God Bless you!
Enjoy a very Merry Christmas!

Conservative Lisa

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