Vote for the Conservative Crew

In January 2009, I created this blog to expose unreported news stories that were being censored purposely from the general public in order to craft not inform public opinion. We must all seek the truth in all things and reject the lies being fed to us over the airways of the mainstream corporate owned media.

The truth is we are all Blessed with the gift of free will to either choose good or evil, love or hate, forgiveness or un-forgiveness, by worshipping at the alter of either Jesus or the enemy.

Please support my efforts to disclose the truth about: Government corruption here and at
Our Creator's saving grace for you

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I Am Coming Out of the Closet & You Should Too

I have to confess, I sleep alone on the left side of the bed, there I've admitted it.

I want to champion the rights of all those individuals, like myself, who have been tragically living in the closet denying their sleeping habits and their true nature. Because I feared job place discrimination for my choice to sleep alone on the left side of the bed, I have, here to for, kept my identity as a sleep alone on the left side of the bed American to myself.

Tolerance in America has now evolved so that I feel free to share my true identity. I want to encourage others to cast off the shackles of bigotry and embrace their sleeping preferences. Be ashamed no more, that you may choose to sleep alone. No longer should anyone sleeping alone fear exposure for their desire to sleep on any portion of their bed, no matter which side they desire.

Equal Protection Under the Law:

I want equal IRS filing status with everyone else. I want to establish an organization like the Gay Straight Alliance to warn our high school students not to bully those brave individuals, who have come out of the closet to admit their true sleeping habits. 

It is my prayer, that we too, will one day have our own parades, to be able to march down the Main streets of America, to proudly express who we are in the bedroom. That some day, we will not be judged by the manner in which we sleep, but by content of our character.

It truly is a Brave New World.


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