
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Snowden is Definitely a Black Hat!

Like many of you, I too enjoyed watching the movie "Snowden" which glamorizes the courageous efforts that NSA whistle blower, Edward Snowden, went to in order to expose the illegal un-Constitutional NSA electronic surveillance of each and everyone of us, at all times, using a wide variety of our electronic devices. At first glance, Mr. Snowden seemed to be a champion of our civil rights and a strong supporter of our 4th Amendment which reads:

4th Amendment written in 1789 but revised in 1992
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

After much research it appears that in actuality Edward Snowden may quite possibly be an agent of chaos. Mr. Snowden's true motive for releasing this intel in 2013 may not have actually made him a fugitive from the long arm of the Obama Justice Department, but rather a spy to draw out other whistle blowers like Julian Assange. 

The fact that the Obama Administration prosecuted more whistle blowers than any previous President, reminds us how important it was for them, that all their employees remain quiet. Yet Edward Snowden was apparently allowed to flee the country and wind up Russia of all places. Despite being despised, by his fellow NSA colleagues, Edward Snowden was able to manage negotiating a big movie deal to portray himself as sympathetic champion of individual liberty and become a celebrity of sorts as he Skypes into packed live liberal forums. 

I know how hard it must have been for this young man to get a movie made about himself as a wanted person, so I assumed someone in the deep state must have a very good reason to order a movie be made about his escape from the US to Russia in order to prop up Mr. Snowden's antiestablishment story to the masses. 

Whether or not he was turned by the Russians or was always a bad guy, we may never know. But I can now say confidently that Edward Snowden is indeed a Lefty of the first order. Just listen to this:

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