
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Where Have All the YT Truth Tellers Gone?


I know you may have not yet been censored by "Big Brother" G/YT so maybe you don't really care if other citizen journalists are being silenced by a monopoly conglomerate determined to maintain control of the facts and fiction being fed daily to unenlightened masses through their puppet news organizations.

  • First they came for the conspiracy journalists, but I did not care because I don't believe in conspiracies.
  • Then they came for the conservative journalists, but I did not care because I am not a conservative. 
  • Then they came for anyone who reported the truth, but I did not care because I believe the news networks and mainstream journals. 
  • Then they came for me when I realized all the corporate controlled news media was completely fake; lying about what was actually happening all around me and I had no one to help me because they had all been silenced long ago. 

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Most of the channels that have been taken off of U (tube) have been completely removed pulled down with all their videos. I just noticed that even more of my favorite alternative news channels are still up but are no longer allowed to upload their videos. You can see that many of the reporters have a history of working hard to upload several videos a day before they were "shadow banned" by G/YT allowing you to still watch their old videos, but not allowing them to upload new ones.

Years of work stolen by the G speech police, because they dared to report the ugly truth behind the false news reports created and disseminated not to inform us, but rather to craft our opinions to support their agenda. Q anon researchers have found that the mainstream news media gets their talking points sent to them very early each and every morning to ensure uniformaty of their message. This is why you will see TV journalists parroting the exact same phrases across the airwaves, when reporting the same propaganda.  

They obviously need a compliant citizenry ready to: 

 gay marriage, all sexual preferences, other than their own God given gender, abortion on demand, gun control, carbon taxes, pagan gods and Lucifer, one world religion, currency and governing organization.

traditional marriage between a man and a woman, men and women loving each other, faith in our holy Father and his only son Jesus, individual liberty, pursuit of happiness, protecting the lives of our unborn babies and traditional families. 

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