Vote for the Conservative Crew

In January 2009, I created this blog to expose unreported news stories that were being censored purposely from the general public in order to craft not inform public opinion. We must all seek the truth in all things and reject the lies being fed to us over the airways of the mainstream corporate owned media.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

No Proof of Election Rigging Unless Democrats Were Allowed to Rig

Exposing the Rigged Electronic Voting Machines

Before the November 6th Midterm Election, I endeavored to gather proof that my own Johnson County, Kansas (KC area) precinct had been rigged by simply counting the potentially altered electronic results tabulated within each ES and S voting machine, by submitting a Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) request to Johnson County Elections for copies of all Republican paper ballots from the August 2018 Primary. Since my request was denied for specious reasons citing Kansas law preventing Election workers from revealing any voter's votes, which does not apply to my request since I was asking for copies of all the paper ballots cast by all registered Republicans who cast votes in my precinct during the August 2018 Primary, therefore the election workers were not divulging the voter intent of any identifiable voter, hence not a violation of their duties to protect the privacy of all voters.

Because of this obvious ploy to dodge their responsibilities under the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) which is much like a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, I contacted Bryan Caskey who is the Elections Director of Kansas. He was very confrontational, defensive, arrogant   and dismissive supplying me with no real answers as to why I could not simply acquire copies the 127 paper ballots cast by Republicans in my precinct.

Next on the night of the November 6th Midterms, I attended the official JO County GOP watch party at the Double Tree Inn in Overland Park, Kansas where I informed one of our Congressman Kevin Yoder's team members that Kevin should consider asking for at least a Johnson County recount of the paper ballots to ensure that his defeat was not engineered through the new ES and S voting machines. The young man I spoke with just gave me lip service and likely never even considered passing along my advice to Congressman Yoder. But the interesting part was that Kevin Yoder's team and Kevin himself seemed almost giddy prior to taking the stage to concede his defeat of a Congressional seat he had held for many years.

Then despite multiple efforts to inform Kris Kobach through email and several attempts to contact him through the Secretary of State's office, he never responded to me. As you can see, I marched in 2014 parades with Kris and his lovely family and even helped spread his tweets to encourage people to re-elect him to the office of Secretary of State, so he definitely knows who I am.


I believe that due to the events outlined above leading up to the Midterms, that our great Secretary of State and who should be our new Governor of Kansas, Kris Kobach, strategically planned to use the new ES and S voting machines to gather evidence against the fraudsters. By allowing those who have been rigging our elections for years to believe that they were successful in rigging the Democrat victories in both the 3rd Congressional District and the Governor's race in our super Republican state of Kansas, all the while knowing that the proof of their fraud would be easily proven by simply cross checking the results of the electronically rigged official results with those cast and confirmed by each individual voter on their paper ballots which were not and are not planned to be counted for any election in 2018. 

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