Vote for the Conservative Crew

In January 2009, I created this blog to expose unreported news stories that were being censored purposely from the general public in order to craft not inform public opinion. We must all seek the truth in all things and reject the lies being fed to us over the airways of the mainstream corporate owned media.

The truth is we are all Blessed with the gift of free will to either choose good or evil, love or hate, forgiveness or un-forgiveness, by worshipping at the alter of either Jesus or the enemy.

Please support my efforts to disclose the truth about: Government corruption here and at
Our Creator's saving grace for you

Saturday, April 6, 2019

How 2 Decades of Election Fraud Turned Portland into Poopland

Before moving to what I now refer to as "Poopland" I lived in "Lost Angeles" until 1991 pursuing an acting career while earning my living selling cable advertising time as I did in "Sh*t Francisco" before leaving for Lost Angeles in the late '80s. All three of these cities are situated on the beautiful "Left" coast, where the weather is not extreme, but the political views have been getting more and more radical Leftist every year fueled by the anti-American/anti-God lies spewed out daily via the fake news media and their comrades in "Hollyweird".

Rigged Elections Permenantly Employ Crooked Politicians

I lived in Poopland, Oregon for 22 years, during the last 6 years ('07-'13) hosting/producing "Accountability LIVE with Lisa" call-in cable access TV shows to expose the "All Vote By Mail Election Fraud" and other unreported corruption news. While airing my cable TV shows several times a week, I also ran for and lost a variety of races from Parks and Rec all the way up to Congress (OR CD1 '11 and '12 GOP Primary). I did this knowing full well I was never in any danger of actually getting elected, because I was running as an avowed conservative under a corrupted voting system run by and for the benefit of DemocRats. I ran for these offices to expose election fraud through recounts, because as a candidate you are always allowed to call for a recount regardless of how badly you lose. 

I also managed several campaigns for other patriots running for Congress, US Senate and recruited conservative attorney, James Buchal (Harvard undergrad physics and MBA/Law degrees from Yale) to run a successful '12 GOP statewide write-in nomination campaign for Attorney General of Oregon. Once I lost my bid for the '12 GOP nomination for CD1 I also managed the James Buchal's OR AG campaign. 

We knew James would also lose his general election race, no matter how well he campaigned unless we were able to force then Secretary of State (now Gov) Kate Brown to follow Oregon election law and begin destroying all leftover unused ballots on Election night as the law stated.

So we sued SOS Brown v Michaels in Portland with James Buchal, the GOP nominee for AG, as my attorney. The news media failed to report on this news worthy case. Our hearing was held in likely Multnomah county's smallest courtroom, which was packed with standing room only patriots. It was a full day hearing featuring GOP AG nominee James Buchal vs 3 taxpayer funded attorney's from his political opponent, Ellen Rosenblum's office (appointed after Rosenblum won the '12 Democrat Primary by disgraced former Gov Kitzhaber to finish out the term of the retiring (D)AG to give Ellen incumbent status in the general election against James). Of course the judge knew exactly who was responsible for her seat on the bench, so she found that the crooked rules established by Kate Brown's SOS office overruled the laws created by our duly elected Oregon State Legislature to prevent election tampering.

Therefore the crooked Democrat machine in Oregon is still allowed to retain thousands of blank left over unused ballots long after the election is over in order to use these ballots to fill out in favor of the Democrats, fulfilling the predictions announced by each county elections office through the complicit fake news channels.

Please watch this summary of the corruption situation in Oregon. 

Despite being a quasi public figure with years of experience in advertising sales, I was unable to find employment at any of the local media companies, so I sold my home on Craig's List and left the Godless NW to move to Kansas City.
When your elected officials no longer fear the wrath of the voters because they know their re-election is guaranteed through the "All Vote by Mail Fraud" system they rule over their subjects like the crooked monarchies of old. If they can get a kick back from a far Left company for backing their wishes then great. If their socialists policies inspire mass homelessness then so be it. What is it to them?
The solution to Poopland, Freeattle, Sh*t Francisco and Lost Angeles is to restore election accountability by first exposing the election registration and computer fraud before outlawing all computers, early and absentee balloting. We must have an equal number of Party elected precinct committee people to manage and count the paper ballots at each of the polling places. Once tallied all the paper ballots should be transported with police escort straight to the county's election office on election night. When the politicians realize they must act in the best interest of their voters or lose their jobs they should then begin making decisions that are in the best interest of their constituents. That would mean defending their communities from foreign invasion by outlawing sanctuary city status to discourage the homeless from parking themselves in their cities. Accountable politicians would begin arresting those people who shamelessly relieve themselves on the streets.