Vote for the Conservative Crew

In January 2009, I created this blog to expose unreported news stories that were being censored purposely from the general public in order to craft not inform public opinion. We must all seek the truth in all things and reject the lies being fed to us over the airways of the mainstream corporate owned media.

The truth is we are all Blessed with the gift of free will to either choose good or evil, love or hate, forgiveness or un-forgiveness, by worshipping at the alter of either Jesus or the enemy.

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Our Creator's saving grace for you

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Poopland Oregon Residents BEWARE

Downtown Poopland, OR Target Bottle Return Line 12/28/19

In case you were not aware of the out of control homeless blight that afflicts the once beautiful city of Portland, Oregon you should know it has gotten so bad that I have taken to referring to this city as Poopland for obvious reasons.

Why in Poopland should you beware of anything other than stepping in it? 

Actually all the dangers are a direct result of widespread election fraud facilitated in a large part through Oregon's "all vote by mail fraud" election system. Neighborhood polling placed were eliminated by a vote of the people 20 years ago in favor of the vastly more convenient mail-in balloting system. This fraud friendly voting system now so plagues the state of Oregon, that all the "elected" Democrat leaders are free to rule with impunity. Knowing full well that they will never be thrown out of office by their voters, since their voters no longer determine who runs Oregon's government.

Who really determines the winners in Oregon's elections?

Dogs, cats, long dead relatives, cartoon characters, illegal aliens and relocated former residents of all ages these illegitimately registered groups of voters now comprise the majority of Oregon's voting population.

How can these illegitimately registered voters effect Oregon's elections?

A hand full of crooked Democrats (on a need to know basis) simply monitor the legitimate results of the living, breathing, adult, actual Oregon residents to determine how many ballots need to be manufactured in the names of the illegitimately registered entities listed above. These 100% Democrat ballots are then delivered to the appropriate county Election office over the 5 weeks surrounding the elections until the fraudulent results reported on the news on Election night are certified.

Oregon "Rights"

If you or a loved one is ill and do not wish to be put down by Oregon's death squads, politely known as "hospice care" then listen up. If you are staying with a relative or friend they can call hospice on your behalf to their home and authorize you to be given enough "comfort" medication to kill you. The law says that you or someone living with you has the right to consent to be given these drugs. Remember if hospice screws up and "accidentally" gives you too much of their "comfort" medication and you accidentally die they are not held liable under the law. 

This absolute violation of Oregonian's 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, allows 
  • Police
  • Family Members
  • Household Members
to petition the court to deny your right to possess, buy or purchase ammunition for a fire arm for an entire year without due process of law. The victims of these nebulous orders have 30 days to request a hearing to have their gun rights restored, which must be heard in court within 21 days. Good luck with that!

In Summary

If you must live in Oregon, be careful not to fight with your relatives, who reside in your home with you, do not stay with disagreeable relatives and definitely do not allow anyone to remain living in your home, who may cause a risk to your life or safety through the misuse of these erroneous laws. 

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