Vote for the Conservative Crew

In January 2009, I created this blog to expose unreported news stories that were being censored purposely from the general public in order to craft not inform public opinion. We must all seek the truth in all things and reject the lies being fed to us over the airways of the mainstream corporate owned media.

The truth is we are all Blessed with the gift of free will to either choose good or evil, love or hate, forgiveness or un-forgiveness, by worshipping at the alter of either Jesus or the enemy.

Please support my efforts to disclose the truth about: Government corruption here and at
Our Creator's saving grace for you

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Kansans Elect True Kansas 1st Conservatives 11/8/22


Governor-   Dennis Pyle

Lt. Governor- Kathleen Garrison
Attorney General-  Kris Kobach
Secretary of State-  Write-In Mike Brown

Republican states like Kansas are engineered to elect only liberal Republicans In Name Only (RINO) candidates to raise our taxes, promote more abortions and separate us from our natural God given rights. This has been accomplished by making Red state residents believe that most of their neighbors are conservative Republicans much like Democrat states convince their population to believe that most of their fellow citizens are liberal Democrats. Think about it, if every state was labeled Democrat people would catch on to the rigging of our republic, so those in charge divide us into groups that may or may not actually agree with the majority's true beliefs. This is why I will only include candidates who I believe are truly conservative. Races not included in this list offer only one liberal Democrat vs one liberal Republican, so I encourage you to write-in a candidate who you believe would represent your conservative views. The way write-in votes work is that if and only if there are more write-in votes than votes cast for the two liberal major Party candidates listed on your ballot, then your county elections office will be forced to hand count all the votes for that race.

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