Vote for the Conservative Crew

In January 2009, I created this blog to expose unreported news stories that were being censored purposely from the general public in order to craft not inform public opinion. We must all seek the truth in all things and reject the lies being fed to us over the airways of the mainstream corporate owned media.

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Thursday, December 22, 2022

SCOTUS Case To Save America


Those who lie to us-

Mainstream media

New York Times Washington Post Wall Street Journal and all major newspapers

Major Television/Cable Network News


Fox News and NewsMax (some random acts of truth reporting but most is controlled opposition) 

Now that you know you cannot trust the "news" isn't it refreshing to learn that patriotic trumpeter brothers in Utah have been working for years to expose and remove our corrupt government. Working as their own attorney the Brunson brothers have filed and fought several lawsuits to demand that all those in government who failed to "protect and defend the United States Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic" in direct violation of their sworn oath of office must be removed immediately.

Sounds too good to be true but not only has the highest court in the land agreed to consider their complaint on January 6th, of all dates, but SCOTUS actually reached out to the Brunson brothers twice to advise them as to how best to approach their court for consideration. 

No one thought that this Supreme Court would ever overturn Roe v Wade yet it happened so why wouldn't this same court also agree with the Brunson brothers logical and simple complaint. If SCOTUS does indeed agree then 385 members of both houses of Congress as well as Biden, Harris and former Vice-President Pence will be permanently removed from office and banned from ever serving in any public office ever again. 

Learn the details directly from Loy Brunson on my newly revived "Accountability News" podcast available on Rumble at AccountabilityShow and Bitchute at Conservative_Lisa

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