
Sunday, September 10, 2023

Dueling Financial Systems NESARA/God vs CBDC/Beast

We are quickly approaching an epic standoff between the forces of good facing off against the centuries old evil beast system, that has literally enslaved us knowingly and unknowingly dating back to the fall of man. 

A deal between Satan and God was set up in the first chapter of Job. In order to provide an alternative choice, Satan was allowed by our Father to launch his plan to compete for souls by temping us into rejecting a loving relationship with our Creator. Since free will is the overriding theme of our reality and our Creator Father wants each of us individually to choose relationship with Him through His only son Jesus, we must obviously be offered more than one choice or there is no choice. 

This evil new financial system has been in the works for years by those who chose Satan, let's call them the cabal, to control our ability to buy and sell using their Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC. They have already been tracking us down to our very DNA, so now if we fail to behave like the slaves we have become, then they would have the power to simply relieve us of our ability to access life sustaining products and services. This benefits the cabal in two ways, by stealing our wealth which leads to their second goal of depopulation. It is far easier to control the people if there are fewer of them. 

The good news is that as we all know God the Father wins in the end and those who chose relationship with Him and His son Jesus will suffer no more as we retire for eternity in an unimaginable paradise known as Heaven. 

Apparently around the turn of the last century the good guys in our military oversaw the enactment of National Economic Security And Reformation Act or NESARA on the global front this movement towards freeing humanity is known as the Global Economic Security And Reformation Act or GESARA. This is a global effort by over 200 countries to eliminate the evil central bank system once and for all and to provide prosperity for those of us who are good people seeking fellowship with our Creator. 

Here are benefits of the NESARA in the US or globally specific to each country their GESARA system-

1.Forgives credit card mortgage and other bank debt to illegal banking and government activities.

2. Abolish income taxes.

3.Abolishes the IRS creates flat rate only non essential new items only taxation sales tax to fund government.

4.Increase benefits to seniors

5.Return to Constitutional law and abolish the current contract rules of court judicial system. 

6.Establishes new Presidential and Congressional Elections within 120 days after NESARA’s declaration.

7.Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities or special interest groups.

8.Creates new United States of America treasury  currency, Rainbow Currency backed by Platinum Silver and Gold  precious metals.

9.Returns Constitutional law to all our courts and legal maters. 

10.Initiates new US Treasury Bank system in alignment with Constitutional law.

11.Eliminates the Federal Reserve System.

12.Restore Financial Privacy.

13.Retrains all Judges and Attorneys in Constitutional law. 

14.Ceases all aggressive US Military actions worldwide.

15.Establishes peace throughout the world.

16.Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many years.

17.Releases enormous amounts of money for humanitarian purposes.

18.Enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices.

How may we confirm that such actions are taking place to transition the good people of the Earth out of debt slavery and into this glorious new system? The short answer is Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa otherwise known as the BRICS precious medals backed currency system that is being joined by the majority of the world. 

Recently I personally received intel from a pilot of a major airline, who said that at least 3 airlines that they knew were regularly carrying around significantly heavier cargo loads of gold. 

Now is the time to seek out the love of Father God and His son Jesus, because if you do not know them you are not allowed to live with them in paradise forever. Remember there are only 2 choices. Number one choose the love of our Creator by accepting His son Jesus' free gift of salvation or number 2 reject their love and follow their enemy and exist in torment for eternity in a place where there is nothing good. 

1 comment:

  1. Lisa I saw you tonight with Derek Johnson and when it was over I wanted to come here and Post a couple things that I think you need to research. I’m 64 and I’ve been round awhile and I have my own prospective on much of what you talk about. First I am a liaison to whistle blowers who wish to remain anonymous. First concerning NESERA. This is just not true and the main ones that promote it like Ward should no better. Years ago they explored the idea and there was partial legislation but it didn’t take long before it was dead. The tax would have gone away or they considered a flat tax and finial a consumption tax from everything we buy. Where it crashed and burned was that so many of the rich and the corporations are still using loop holes in the volumes of rules imposed by the IRS. They didn’t want to pay anything so it died. Also the burden imposed by government on the people was to established. Why make years of stealing go to waste. Trump started the quantum website, but quantum does not just apply to currency, but it can and will later as the technology becomes more mainstream. As for Q and Flynn. Q is real, but I believe it’s not a person that can see in the future, I believe that the words, not sentences that are key words are actually tied to an algorithm that over time can provide predictable data based on everything it’s been fed. If this AI can be used in stocks, a smart guy could easily do what Q has revealed. A couple of very interesting things about Truth Social is that the first account according to Devon Nunes was Q. The following accounts that followed was Ezra Cohen Watnick and Donald Trump. Ezra is a very special asset to Trump. He is so smart that people in the cyber world says he is not a person to mess with. Edward Snowden was quoted as saying that if you are a target by him, he will ruin your day. With all that said I can’t prove his involvement but at one time they were going to target him like Flynn and he was pushed out. His dismissal lasted about a week and whatever he did resulted in being reinstated and with a better position running a task force for the DOD. There are a few thing about Flynn that I want to share, but first, Sydney Powell and Lynn Wood. When the election issue was in full swing Trump hired Sydney and Lynn as council. The both were given files with very high value information to review before they started. Wood was not a Trump fan at all, but after seeing the file he said as a Christian he had to do what he could for his country. It was from those files that he started making the wild statements, as well as Powell, like releasing the Kracken. A whistleblower name Jim from New Hampshire who uncovered mind blowing information about the Sununu family and the ties they have to the cartel, and money laundering operations. The whistleblower arranged a meeting with Flynn and they met at the White House. It was there where he gave the information he had which were called the Pandora Papers. In this there were banking records, emails, and information on the rigged election. After the papers were given to Flynn, they never spoke again, and the election Freud issue was dead! We think Trump new about them, because the papers, not all were eventually leaked. But Bidens DOJ stopped any investigation. I have all the information on what they found and it’s the reason our country has fallen victim to lawlessness. When you hear where possibly 11 trillion is hidden, you won’t believe it.
