
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Fake Biden Administration Proofs from Jim Price and Derek Johnson on Accountability News

Jim Price saw what looked like the new Air Force One planes parked in Nebraska not far from one of Trump's pre-campaign rallies. There were no tail numbers on either plane but one had a red carpeted staircase leading up to the plane. The flight app showed all planes were kept away from the airport circling around. 

Derek Johnson has noticed several odd backgrounds behind Biden in what is suppose to pass for the Oval Office at 1600 Penn. Ave. which via streaming webcam appears to be empty while all lights go out at exactly 11:04PM every night as the black and white POW flag flies over it. 

It certainly appears that the fake "mainstream media" has been lying to US all in order to convince US that crooked Joe Biden actually won the 2020 election and is actually in the real White House doing his best to destroy our country with a fake executive branch laundering money back to themselves through "Ukraine aid" while putting forth economy killing legislation. 

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