
Saturday, November 25, 2023

Former Top Obama Official Infiltrated MAGA to Take Down Q

Am I a conspiracy theorist? You be the judge. 

In 2013 I was distraught over the re-election of Barack Obama and a highly decorated military vet confided in me that a notable General and his team of retired Generals had invited two of my military veteran friends to be part of a group of patriots who were going to expose the crimes of the Obama administration. Both of these veterans have passed on in recent years, so I feel it is my duty to confirm this group was in existence in 2013. Both Jerome Corsi and a pastor I saw speak in Kansas City publicly corroborated their story. Both said that this military group decided not to do a coup but rather to recruit Donald Trump to run for President with the promise that they would not allow Hillary to steal the election from him. 

This was my testimony to General Flynn when I spoke with him one on one at Clay Clark's media training seminar in Tulsa in December of 2022.

Let's look at the facts and circumstances surrounding General Flynn and his takeover of the profitable Clay Clark ReAwaken America Tour events where Derek Johnson discovered that General Flynn is being paid a cool $70k per speech. 

Notice Q truth teller attorney Lin Wood has never been allowed by Gen. Flynn to come back and speak at any of these events since Mike took control of the speakers list.

Notice that out of all of Obama's former administration heads he cautioned Trump not to hire General Michael Flynn. At first glance that would be a badge of honor for Flynn, but think about it Obama knew that Trump would likely hire someone Obama had rejected. 

Notice in General Flynn's famous lawsuit he proudly identified himself as a life-long Democrat and even after supporting Trump at rallies before the his 2016 victory and being added to President Trump's cabinet he failed to change his voter registration to Republican until 2022. 

Notice General Flynn was victimized by Democrat controlled crooked DOJ/FBI and wrongly indicted for a crime he did not commit and rather than fight this travesty of justice with a patriot Republican attorney instead Flynn goes out and hires the top Democrat cabal law firm in DC, Covington and Burning, who encourages him to admit guilt to a crime he had not committed all while sucking him dry with massive legal fees. 

Notice that once General Flynn had been persecuted by the cabal and almost lost his home due to this unlawful prosecution, he was then welcomed as a trusted patriot fighting the cabal just like us. We must understand in order to bring down bad actors like Fauci, Flynn must first be made famous or else no one would care once he is exposed. 

Could it be that Flynn's legal persecution by his former comrades in the Obama administration was actually the catalyst to give him fame and power to gain access to infiltrate the patriot truth movement in order to take down support for and credibility of the Q drops?

In 2021 I attended Clay Clark's 1st historic ReOpen America event in Tulsa, Oklahoma on April 16th and 17th. 

Clay invited pastors, doctors, scientific researchers, attorneys and truth reporters to his event a full year after the Covid-19 hysterical planedemic attack was launched on humanity. We gathered in Tulsa unmasked, by the thousands, to see these speakers's efforts to awaken the fearful masses to the truth behind this planned attack on our liberty and on our very lives. 

These Doctors  and scientists exposed the facts surrounding this crime against humanity disguised as a pandemic designed to force vaccinate the world with potentially lethal experimental emergency use authorized EUA Covid-19 vaccines. Indeed these "vaccines" are not safe nor effective at doing anything other than sicken and potentially kill those who were peer pressured into taking these poisonous shots. Thankfully, the criminals behind this genocide plan were unable to manufacture enough of the venomous shots to achieve their ultimate goal of depopulation, so the vast majority of those who took these bio-weapon shots were actually given a harmless saline solution or placebo. 

At the end of this 1st ReOpen America event attorney, Lin Wood, was brave enough to expose the truth being released in the coded Q message board.


Those controlling our information have a predictable pattern of attack when someone, like Lin Wood, pulls the curtain back and seeks to expose their tyrannical system. First they ignore and hide the whistleblower and if that strategy is not successful they identify and destroy the whistleblower's character and reputation. 

The famous Q intel board began posting on October 28th 2017. During President Trump's 1st year in the White House, this mysterious information board began posting cryptic messages known as Q drops. These coded Q messages were meant to reveal the hidden fight between the evil forces who have been controlling our planet for ions and the good forces of the military who recruited President Trump to take down this power hungry evil cabal behind the central banking system that has enslaved nearly every society on this planet. 

This is the war between good and evil that is being played out on a global stage at multiple levels, mostly subterranean, quite literally between those who love our creator Father and those who through blackmail or bribery have sworn their allegiance to His lying enemy. 

Due to the nature of the drops on the Q board, it appears that at least some or all of those behind these cryptic coded intel drops are retired military. Because people on both sides of this war are able to read this intel board, it must be coded and filled with disinformation as well as truths to both distract and draw out those who are disguised as working for good but in truth, owe their allegiance to our enemy. 

The genius behind the Q intel board is that it has never been successfully linked to one individual whom they could identify and destroy. I believe one of the main goals of the Q intel is to show that the future proves past. Since the Q drops ceased in late 2022 we have seen many of those decoded Q drops come to pass in current events. 

Now let us review all of the Q drops that mention General Flynn all the way back to November 1, 2017 just days after the Q intel board first appeared. 

Fast forward to December 2022 when I attended Clay Clark's alternative media training weekend, where General Mike Flynn told us all that in his opinion the entire Q movement was a psycological operation designed to mislead us. Then podcaster Mel K was brought up to apologize for ever reporting on this fraudulent Q story. 

During a break, I spoke with General Flynn one on one to help him out before it got well known that he did not trust Q. I explained to General Flynn that I had learned about what appears to be the military Q team behind exposing Obama 10 years earlier. 

Rather than seriously consider my testimony, he became combative asking to show me proof that anything from Q has happened. I then said well in 2013 you were working for Obama as the head of his Defense Intelligence Agency at the same time I was told about this secret group of retired military generals who were then poised to expose Obama's crimes in what would have been seen as a coup. I mistakenly believed that I was doing General Flynn a favor, but instead Flynn just dug in his heals pacing back and forth nervously sticking to his disbelief in the veracity of the Q intel board or the team behind it.

Friends and other podcasters who are aware that General Flynn is a Q denier want to deny his denial of Q with the accuse that he was sworn to secrecy. I know when someone is nervous and may be lying he was visibly disturbed by my story dating back to his time in the Obama administration as Barack' head of the DIA. When I tried to explain to General Flynn that much is information is still likely being hidden in order to individually expose traitors, General Flynn got even more anxious dismissing me as a conspiracy theorist. 

In this Fulton County, Georgia case against the Trump team for trying to overturn the 2020 election suspiciously General Flynn and deep state RINO Lindsey Graham were not indicted. 

After decades as a victim of digital censorship, exposing the truth behind the mainstream media lies via my content on YouTube and other social media sites, I find it notable that General Flynn is allowed to skate on indictments and allowed continued access as a leader in the patriot movements without suffering any censorship at all. 

Listen to what General Flynn told us in December 2023 about his appearance in front of the GA Grand Jury .

Real Raw News Flynn Stories

Many truth reporters have disavowed the news reported by Michael Baxter on Real Raw News. Please read his stories and discern for yourself the veracity of Michael's reporting. If these stories are meant to mislead us then consider who benefits from the nature of these stories. Perhaps the good military is using his site to release true news in an untimely fashion in order to expose and capture traitors hiding in plain site as patriots.

Apparently this July 24, 2023 Real Raw News article stated that Mar-a-lago security was beefed up and began requiring all visitors arriving to meet with President Trump be given a polygraph/lie detector test before entering. When asked General Flynn apparently refused to lower himself by taking this lie detector test and left in Mar-a-lago in a huff. Now, if he had nothing to hide why would he be opposed to taking a polygraph test to confirm his loyalty to Trump? 

"Nonetheless, Flynn, enraged and combative, strenuously objected and ultimately stormed off, reiterating that Trump would eviscerate anyone questioning the political fidelity of Michael Flynn, referring to himself in the third person."

Real Raw News reported back in January of 2023 that the good military had discovered a cloning lab in Alaska making a clone of General Flynn along with a number of other sketchy politicians. 

"...they did contain clones of several Deep Staters who had only recently risen to prominence: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar and, Cori Bush. Other maturation chambers held facsimiles of Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom. Republicans hadn’t been excluded: a section of the building had clones of William Barr, General Michael Flynn, Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, and, yes Mitch McConnell."-Real Raw News-Special Forces Seize Deep State Cloning Lab in Alaska

Patriots were initially reassured that we had a friend in the person of General Mike Flynn's younger brother General Charles Flynn appointed to oversee the Pacific for Biden. In this 9/17/23 Real Raw News Article entitled "SEALS Save Missing Maui Children" General Charles Flynn is mentioned as our enemy in this quote-

"Our sources believe that FEMA and the regime’s unlawful Joint Task Force 5-0, commanded by Gen. Charles Flynn, murdered many of the missing, evidenced by bodies found in mass graves, but do not believe that Biden’s forces gunned down or took flamethrowers to all 1,500."

Once again General Flynn's brother Biden General Charles Flynn is mentioned in a very negative fashion in this Real Raw News Article 10/1/23 entitled "Marines push FEMA out of Maui"-

"In closing, we asked our source whether White Hats had captured FEMA Director Deanne Criswell and General Charles Flynn, commander, JTF 5-0.“Not yet. We believe the coward Flynn left Hawaii. We’re following leads and won’t give up until the traitors are brought to justice,” he said. “President Trump has been apprised of the situation.”

Recognizing that brothers will have differing loyalties despite shared career paths. It is telling that both of General Mike Flynn's brothers appear to be at odds with MAGA as recently as Monday, November 13, 2023 this Newsweek article entitled "Michael Flynn's Brother Abandons MAGA 'Clown Show." 

 "Never ending f****** clown show ... honestly its why I want nothing to do with the MAGA cult anymore ... I love my brother ... but cannot take the whole circus seriously anymore," 

Upon retiring as the Defense Intelligence Agency Director for Obama Flynn is quoted in this Foreign Policy article entitled "Defense Intelligence Agency's Flynn Leaving After Rocky Tenure" 

"they'd helped to transform the agency and defended their work building up a clandestine intelligence-gathering program. "Today and tomorrow DIA is clearly postured to achieve even greater heights due to the establishment of our fully integrated intelligence centers, enhancements to all-source analysis and building the Defense Clandestine Service,"

FYI clandestine service equals secret spy services. What better way to spy on MAGA than to infiltrate Trump's inner circle as a supporter in 2016, then appointee, then pardoned and now a trusted Trump confidant.  

I was always a big fan of the good General Mike Flynn who appeared to be a true patriot leader in support of Clay Clark's efforts to restore liberty and expose corruption in our government, elections and healthcare systems all in the name of our Creator Father in Heaven. But sadly due to my personal discussion with General Flynn and subsequent research I now believe retired General Mike Flynn is not on our side and may very well be working for our enemies. 

We are each to do our own research to discern the truth with the aid of our Creator through the gift of His Holly Spirit. Please share this message far and wide if you find merit in my research. May you have a very Blessed day. 

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