Vote for the Conservative Crew

In January 2009, I created this blog to expose unreported news stories that were being censored purposely from the general public in order to craft not inform public opinion. We must all seek the truth in all things and reject the lies being fed to us over the airways of the mainstream corporate owned media.

The truth is we are all Blessed with the gift of free will to either choose good or evil, love or hate, forgiveness or un-forgiveness, by worshipping at the alter of either Jesus or the enemy.

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Our Creator's saving grace for you

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Michael Strickland aka Laughing at Liberals Case Going to SCOTUS


Letter From Michael Strickland

Who Was Attacked by Antifa in Portland Framed Then Convicted for Pulling His CC Gun

Hello everyone, Michael Strickland here. My case is now headed to the
Supreme Court of the United States.

You may be remember me as the news videographer who was attacked by a
mob of thugs while I was filming a protest in the summer of 2016.
Except I was the one arrested for drawing my lawfully carried firearm
on the violent thugs. After a show trial in which several pieces of
exculpatory evidence were ruled inadmissible, DA Kate Molina tainted
the jury pool by lying to a judge regarding a separate matter and
broadcasting untrue and defamatory things about me through the media,
an ambush witness was allowed to testify, and I was denied my right to
face my accusers, I was found guilty of 21 counts for NOT wanting to
be beaten, robbed, left further disabled, and possibly killed. The
violent thugs who premeditated and executed this physical altercation
are considered the innocent victims.

Mob violence on the streets of Portland has not only been legalized,
but incentivized.

I haven't harmed so much as a fly throughout this whole ordeal. I was
the one harmed, I was the one whom further harm was intended against,
and I was the one trying to retreat and avoid an altercation.

I was subsequently banned from various different 1st Amendment
activities. That's right, I would have been thrown in prison had I
returned to my job in journalism, talked to media, posted videos,
posted on twitter, or even gone to political events or protests.

My case spans a variety of 1st Amendment issues, 2nd Amendment issues,
and due process rights violations.

I realize now that I am not just fighting for my rights and to restore
my name and reputation. I am fighting for everyone's rights. If they
can do these things to me, they can do it to anyone.

I recently published a piece on Gateway Pundit that goes into greater
detail on my case, the Constitutional and civil rights aspects, and
how this has gone on to affect many others across the country.
. Please share my story around.

My case is now headed to the federal Supreme Court. Given the
multitude of errors that occurred at the trial level and the case law
standards that have risen from the ruling, I am confident that the
honorable Justices of the Supreme Court will hear the case. If this
ruling stands then the entire notion of self defense, especially with
a legally carried handgun, is nullified. Our rights to due process are
nullified. Our rights to free press and free assembly are nullified.

Many people ask what they can do to help. Well, most pressing is
raising funds to pay the attorneys. I usually hate begging for money,
but it all goes to pay for the attorneys and other legal costs. I have
a PayPal set up at and Oregon Firearms
Federation has been gracious enough to once again take donations for
my fund via their site, , just please make a
note on the check-out page that it’s for my fund so they know where to
allocate the money.

As a thank you, I will be hosting an exclusive live stream Q&A event
with anyone who has donated. This is set for tomorrow, Sunday, October
4th, at 1 PM Pacific time. Depending on how it goes, I may do another
one in a few weeks. (If you donated and did not receive the invite I
sent out yesterday, please respond to this so I can get you on the

I am available for interviews, speaking engagements, and other appearances.

Thank you to everyone who has helped out along the way. There's no way
I could have made it this far without you.

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